Published July 11 2022

Members of the public encouraged to help write pro, con statements for possible ballot measure

The City of Bellevue is considering a possible ballot measure as part of its long-term funding strategy for parks, recreation and open space. The funding would address community needs and park system gaps, which were identified in the Parks and Open Space System Plan. The public offered feedback during several recent City Council and Parks and Community Services Board meetings and an online survey seeking community feedback to help determine if the possible ballot measure includes the right combination of investments for the community. Council action is required by July 25, if the council decides to place a ballot proposition on the Nov. 8 General Election ballot.

As a requirement of placing a ballot measure in the local voter’s pamphlet, jurisdictions are responsible for appointing pro and con committees to prepare statements in favor of and in opposition to the ballot measure. Each committee may have no more than three members, though committee members may seek the advice of any other person.

The City Council is accepting applications from members of the public who are interested in serving on committees that will formulate statements for or against the parks long-term funding ballot measure in the event it is approved to be placed on the ballot.

The “statement for” and “statement against” (in addition to rebuttal statements) would appear in the Nov. 8 King County voters’ pamphlet for the general election.  To learn more about the requirements for the voter’s pamphlet and the duties of the pro and con committees, you can review the 2022 Jurisdiction Manual at King County Elections.

Application Options

People interested in applying may do so online. Alternatively, applicants may submit their name, contact information, the committee they wish to participate on (pro or con), and the reason they are interested in serving on the committee by:

Applications are due by 5 p.m., Thursday, July 21. The council is anticipated to make committee member appointments at its July 25 Regular meeting. Applicants will be notified immediately upon selection. For more information, please call City Clerk Charmaine Arredondo at 425-452-6466.

Further details on the council discussions and resident involvement regarding long-range parks funding are available in a June news announcement soliciting resident feedback on a funding questionnaire and the June 9 Council Roundup where councilmembers affirmed broad-based funding categories.