Published March 16 2020

Mini City Hall goes mobile, meetings being assessed, many city services available digitally

The City of Bellevue announced it is temporarily suspending in-person services at its Crossroads Mini City Hall satellite location until further notice, reiterating that City Hall is still open and most services can be accessed remotely. The city is also moving its permitting services fully online or by phone starting Monday, March 16, and will cancel external meetings this week that do not fall under the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. 

All other meetings are being assessed and all meetings will need to comply with strict health guidelines for social distancing and cleanliness. The city is taking care to follow current Public Health – Seattle & King County orders and protect residents and workers, especially those most susceptible to developing complications from COVID-19.

Bellevue’s Mini City Hall location at Crossroads Mall will not be staffed through March, but residents can call 425-452-2800 or email for assistance from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. A full list of Mini City Hall services and contacts in multiple languages is available online. Residents are encouraged to explore the range of city services available from the comfort of their own home using the key resources below or the Contact Us page.

All city departments will continue to answer calls and online requests. Be aware that some non-essential in-person services may be temporarily suspended or delayed. 

A note on scams

Please also be aware of a variety of scams and misinformation being circulated about COVID-19. In a recent example, users searching for a map of COVID-19 cases are brought to a malicious site that installs a computer virus on your machine if you attempt to download the map. Most legitimate maps or resources will not require a download. Ensure that you know or trust the source of the information and check closely to be sure the source of the information is legitimate. Some scams are meant to look similar to real information sources.

Business assistance

The latest information on business assistance programs and resources for small businesses can be found on the city’s business resource web page.

Current city closures

A listing of current city closures and cancelations can be found on Bellevue’s COVID-19 information page.