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Bellevue has more than 1,100 lane miles of streets and keeping them clean is important. Regularly swept streets help prevent leaves and other debris from clogging storm water drains, which can cause street flooding. Sweeping also makes streets safer for bicyclists and helps prevent flat tires for drivers.

Citywide sweeping schedule

Bellevue streets are swept on the following schedule:

  • Signed bike lanes - twice a month
  • Main arterials - once a month
  • Residential streets - twice a year

Residential streets are swept on weekdays, by area, using an arterial sweeping priority map.

Sweepers may be temporarily taken off regular routes for several reasons, which impacts this schedule:

  • To remove traction sand from roads for safety and environmental reasons after snow and ice events.
  • When there is snow or ice on the roads.
  • After wind storms, to sweep areas that were previously cleaned, especially bike lanes.
  • To clean up after collisions or other events that leave debris on major roads.

How residents can help

There are several ways that residents can help the Transportation Department with street sweeping efforts: 

  • Trim back tree branches and shrubs that overhang the street or sidewalk (diagram showing trimming guidelines; more information available in the city code). Overhanging vegetation can damage the sweeper or cause the sweeper to need to move into the road, leaving the curb lane dirty.
  • Clear nearby stormwater drains of leaves and other debris to help prevent street flooding.
  • Remove branches, large sticks and other debris from the road if you are safely able to do so.
  • Keep the street clear of garbage and recycling containers and other objects so sweepers can clean all the way to the curb.
  • Please do not dump or blow leaves into the street — large piles of leaves can clog the sweeper, or cause the sweeper to need to be emptied more frequently, which takes time away from sweeping.