To clarify requirements and standards for the East Link light rail project (for construction occurring in the City of Bellevue), the city added a light rail "overlay district" to Bellevue's land use code. The City Council approved the land use code amendment (LUCA) for the overlay district in February 2013.
- Conformance Amendment (Ordinance 6102)
- Part 20.25M Light Rail Overlay District (Ordinance 6101)
- Strike Draft Version of Ordinance 6102 for "Conformance" Land Use Code Amendments
- Sound Transit Letter Feb. 25, 2013
- Light Rail Code Amendment FAQ (produced by City of Bellevue)
- Draft Overlay Code Amendment(Nov. 13, 2012)
- Land Use Code Provisions Applicable to Light Rail (Oct. 2012)
- Land Use Code Cross References in Draft Light Rail Code Amendment
- Responses to Council Questions regarding Light Rail Code Amendment(From Oct. 22, 2012 public hearing)
- Gap Map of Light Rail Alignment
Historical Supporting Documents:
Documents that provided foundational information that guided the drafting of the light rail code amendment.