This land use code amendment removed appeals to the City Council for Hearing Examiner decisions on Process I land use matters and Hearing Examiner recommendations on Process III matters.
What happened?
On August 1, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6673 amending the Land Use Code to eliminate appeals to the council on Process I and Process III Hearing Examiner decisions and recommendations. Process I matters include applications for Conditional Use Permits, Preliminary Subdivisions Approvals, and Planned Unit Developments. Process III matters include applications for Site-specific or Project-specific Rezones. This amendment allows the Hearing Examiner's Process I decision to be appealed directly to superior court. As to Process III applications, the council will retain its role to make the final decision on the application. The council's final decision will remain appealable to superior court.
Public Hearing
On August 1, 2022, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed LUCA.
Project Documents
- Ordinance No. 6673