This land use code amendment allowed certain types of housing and shelter intended for people experiencing homelessness in certain land use districts, as required by state law. 


Amendments to RCW 35A.21.430, which was amended in 2021 by House Bill (HB) 1220, required the city to amend the Land Use Code for consistency. These amendments include:

Allowing permanent supportive housing and transitional housing in all land use districts where residential dwellings or hotels and motels are allowed; and

Allowing emergency housing and emergency shelter in all land use districts where hotels and motels are allowed.

In response to RCW 35A.21.430, Bellevue's Land Use Code was updated to define these uses and establish regulations and requirements for siting them in the city. 

What happened? 

The City Council adopted an Interim Official Control (IOC) in July 2021, establishing temporary regulations to bring the City into immediate compliance with the new state requirements. 

Following adoptions of the IOC, the Planning Commission discussed the LUCA over five study sessions and a public hearing. 

In April 2022, the Planning Commission transmitted a recommendation on the LUCA to the City Council, who then deliberated over three study sessions. On July 25, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6672, which replaced the IOC and established permanent regulations that response to RCW 35a.21.430.

See the project timeline below for a schedule of public meetings held for this LUCA, as well as links to the Planning Commission and City Council meeting materials. 

Meeting dates to be updated once confirmed.


Meeting, Event or Action Taken



Interim Regulations (IOC) Adoption

City Council Meeting Agenda Materials


Public Hearing on IOC

City Council Meeting Agenda Materials

9/8/21 Planning Commission Study Session 1 Planning Commission Agenda Materials
9/22/21 Planning Commission Study Session 2 Planning Commission Agenda Materials
12/8/21 Planning Commission Study Session 3 Planning Commission Agenda Materials
12/13/21 City Council Public Hearing to extend IOC for 6 months City Council Meeting Agenda Materials
1/4/22 East Bellevue Community Council Public Hearing to extend IOC for 6 months EBCC Agenda Materials


East Bellevue Community Council Courtesy Public Hearing EBCC Agenda Materials


Planning Commission Public Hearing Planning Commission Agenda Materials
2/23/22 Planning Commission Study Session 4 Planning Commission Agenda Materials
4/27/22 Planning Commission Recommendation Planning Commission Agenda Materials
5/23/22 City Council Study Session

City Council Meeting Agenda Materials

6/21/22 City Council Study Session City Council Meeting Agenda Materials
7/5/22 City Council Public Hearing to extend IOC for 6 months City Council Meeting Agenda Materials


City Council Action City Council Meeting Agenda Materials