This land use code amendment removed references to the East Bellevue Community Council (EBCC) from the land use code and extended previously disapproved regulations into the EBCC area.  


The EBCC was established by voters in 1969 following annexation into the City of Bellevue. In the decades following, the EBCC had authority to approve or disapprove ordinances amending the land use code and the Comprehensive Plan within its jurisdictional area. 

In 2022, the state Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1769, which amended Chapter 35.14 RCW and established a sunset date for community councils in Washington. For the EBCC, this expiration occurred on July 9, 2022, after which the EBCC no longer existed. 

On June 21, 2022, the City Council was introduced to this proposed land use code amendment eliminating references to the EBCC in the land use code, along with variations in the code in the EBCC area. The council directed staff to schedule a public hearing and prepare an ordinance for adoption. The amendment also addressed ambiguities resulting from sunsetting of the EBCC to provide regulatory consistency across the city. 

On July 18, 2022, the council held a public hearing on the proposed code amendment. Following public comment, the council unanimously adopted the amendment by Ordinance No. 6670.

Date Meeting, Event or Action Taken Links
6/21/22 City Council LUCA Initiation/Study Session City Council Meeting Agenda Materials
7/18/22 City Council Public Hearing and Action City Council Meeting Agenda Materials