Published May 7 2014
A major expansion of Lincoln Square requires utility work (water, sewer and storm drainage) under Bellevue Way to meet growing demands now and into the future. This work will require completely closing Bellevue Way between Northeast Fourth and Northeast Sixth streets, Monday, May 12, through Friday, May 23.
During this 12-day closure, all adjacent businesses will remain open and accessible at all times via detours. Electronic message boards will be set up prior to the closure, detour routes will be provided and flaggers will be on-site to direct drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists safely around the construction zone.
The majority of the utility work and associated road work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. to prevent overnight noise to adjacent residences, although some night work will be necessary to mitigate the impacts of water service shutdowns.
We know that closing Bellevue Way is an inconvenience for those who use this route on a regular basis, but an intermittent or partial closure would have prolonged this project significantly.
Kemper Development Company, which is doing the project, will post regular updates. If there are any emergency situations, the public should call GLY Construction (24/7) at 425-451-8877.
"The City of Bellevue is working closely with the Lincoln Square Expansion project staff, and together, we will keep the construction information current," said Transportation Director David Berg. "However, there are times when adjustments in sequencing and schedules are necessary to address the unexpected. In advance, we thank you for your patience throughout this multiyear construction project."
For other ways to stay informed about traffic impacts and closures, see traffic advisories or follow @BvueTrans on Twitter.
For questions about this upcoming work, please contact Tim Stever, senior right of way engineer (425-452-4294 or