Published April 3 2020

With the monthlong extension of the governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, gatherings in Bellevue remain banned, and non-essential businesses here must remain closed through May 4.

“I know these are difficult times, for the many who are ill, who have families to care for, whose businesses have been compromised or who have lost a loved one,” said Mayor Lynne Robinson. “I thank you for your part in supporting the long-term health and safety of our community while we continue to work as a city to relieve the pressures where we can and promote a strong, cohesive and resilient community.”

City facilities, including City Hall, Mini City Hall, fire stations and community centers, will remain closed to the public until further notice. Full police and fire emergency services remain in place. Other key services – from permitting to water – can be accessed online

Bellevue’s city council meeting on Monday, April 6, will be conducted remotely. Residents can watch or listen live and can submit public comment prior to the meeting. Access instructions and meeting details are available on the city’s event calendar

As these new ways of working and connecting take place, city leaders say community spirit and resilience are still evident.

“We are witnessing the strength of the Eastside; there is a clear sense of community and collaboration,” said Mayor Robinson. “Nonprofits, businesses and community members are working together like never before to attend to the needs of all our residents.” 

Residents who need help because of the pandemic can access COVID-19 Community Resources. The page also offers easy ways for people to donate and volunteer. Local businesses and nonprofits can turn to COVID-19 Business/Nonprofit Resources for help and further information. 

Residents are asked to call 911 only in emergency situations. Those concerned about gatherings that could promote further spread of COVID-19 should use the MyBellevue app and web portal to report them. People can use a state form to report non-essential businesses staying open.