Published October 19 2023

People who live, work and/or visit Bellevue are invited to suggest ways the city can serve everyone better at the last Bellevue Centers Communities of Color dialogue, Thursday, Nov. 16, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Stevenson Elementary School, 14220 NE Eighth St.
The city held a series of dialogues in July and August at which community members discussed how the city could be more equitable and inclusive. The Nov. 16 dialogue, at which dinner will be provided, will be the final one. Please register.
The Centering Communities of Color Coordinating Team – a diverse group of people who live and work in Bellevue and are dedicated to advancing racial equity and improving opportunities for the betterment of all people in Bellevue – is driving the Centering Communities of Color effort. The CCC Team will moderate the dialogue.
The CCC Team will use the ideas collected from the dialogues to potentially draft proposals for new city policies aimed at helping the community thrive and grow more equitably and inclusively. The team will then bring those policy ideas back to the community for additional discussion and development of formal recommendations for city leadership.
To learn more about the community dialogues and to sign up for email or text alerts, visit Bellevue Centers Communities of Color.
For alternate formats, interpreters or reasonable accommodations, please phone at least 48 hours in advance at 425-452-7881 (voice) or email For complaints regarding accommodations, contact the city’s ADA/Title VI administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice). If you are deaf or hard of hearing, dial 711.