Published August 3 2016

Also, ballot measure committees and independent salary commission 

The City Council Monday approved a letter of agreement with King County to look at siting men's shelter and permanent supportive housing in Eastgate. Over the next few months, the city and Congregations for the Homeless will meet with surrounding businesses, neighbors, and interested parties to identify concerns and potential solutions.

Staff briefed councilmembers on a new partnership with King County, Congregations for the Homeless and Imagine Housing to study a location for a men's shelter and permanent supportive housing on county-owned property in Eastgate. Homelessness has emerged as a major issue facing King County and suburban Eastside communities. Siting a men's shelter in Bellevue is one of the council's 2016-17 priorities.

The council later approved a letter of agreement between Bellevue and King County which sets out steps to negotiate an agreement for use of the county property for the project. The site, located at 14350 SE Eastgate Way, is immediately north of I-90, adjacent to King County Metro's Eastgate Park and Ride as well as the Eastgate Public Health Center medical clinic. The partnership launches the beginning of a 6-month public outreach and community engagement process.

For more information on the permanent shelter, including updates and background, can be found on the city's website.

Appointment of pro/con committees for ballot measures
During the regular session, the council appointed individuals to the committees tasked with writing pro and con voter pamphlet statements for two ballot measures referred to the November ballot last week. The voted appointments were necessary to meet the Aug. 2 deadline for the King County voter's pamphlet.

Bellevue Prop. 1 - Fire Facilities

Pro Con Michael Eisner Pamela Johnston Jeanne Ellitott Michelle Hilhorst

Bellevue Prop. 2 - Transportation Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion

Pro Con Jennifer Robertson David Plummer Janice Zhan My-Linh Thai

Councilmember Robertson recused herself from voting on all appointments to the transportation measure committees. The pro and con statements are due to King County elections on Aug. 11. Rebuttals are due Aug. 15.

For additional background materials on the ballot measures, including maps, the ordinances and ballot language approved by the council and a summary of community feedback, visit the city's website.

Independent salary commission created
As their last order of business, the council voted 4-1 to create an independent salary commission. State law gives local governments the authority to create salary commissions as a way to gauge the pay and benefits of elected officials.

Commission members will be appointed by the mayor and approved by the council at a future meeting. Staff will then work with members to set a schedule for the group, which will be noticed and open to the public.

The council last adopted a revised salary schedule in 1999.

NOTE: The council will be on summer recess during the month of August. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 6.