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Emergency Management training in action

Landslides occur when masses of earth, rock or debris move down a slope. Landslides can happen without warning, moving at avalanche speeds. Earthquakes, significant rainfall and human modifications of land are some of the most common causes of landslides.

Help Prevent Landslides

Bellevue is hilly and experiences significant amounts of rainfall, which makes it susceptible to landslides. To help prevent landslides, Bellevue's land-use code limits construction and/or clearing of vegetation in critical areas, which include geological hazard areas. Avoid building on steep slopes, hill edges, drainage routes and areas where there are signs of erosion.

Warning Signs

Evacuate immediately if a landslide appears likely. If you cannot evacuate and are inside, curl into a ball and protect your head. Prepare for secondary risks such as flooding, downed power lines and damaged buildings.

  • Changes in yard or landscaping (e.g. drainage patterns, leaning trees)
  • Collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks or other indicators of debris flow
  • Cracks in the ground on or above a slope
  • Bulges in sloped ground
  • Water breaks through the ground or in paved areas
  • Underground utility lines break
  • New or widening cracks in plaster, tile, brick, foundation, or paved areas
  • Fences, retaining walls, utility poles or trees tilt or move

Emergency Management

This is a non-emergency number and staff are available during normal business hours. For emergencies, please dial 9-1-1.
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