Tenant Improvement: This permit allows for changes to the tenant interior space of a new or existing commercial business. (BZ)
Tenant Improvement (New use): Permit for the initial build out of a new tenant business space or change of use of an existing tenant business space. Includes a Land Use Exemption when appropriate. (BY)
Apply for this permit online at MyBuildingPermit. When entering your Application Information, choose the following:
- Application type: Building
- Project type: Nonresidential
- Activity type: Tenant Improvement or Tenant Improvement - Change of Use or Tenant Improvement - Initial Buildout
Separate permits are required for:
- Exterior signage work
- Work involving mechanical (HVAC and gas), electrical and plumbing systems
- Work related to fire systems (alarms, sprinklers, smoke control, fire service and fixed fire suppression)
Required Documents
The documents listed below are the minimum necessary to proceed with the application process. If you believe that a required submittal document does not apply to your project, please upload the Document Waiver Form in place of the required document.
For assistance with electronic plan submittals, refer to Requirements for Electronic Plans
Additional Documents
These items may be required during plan review, as determined by the scope of your project.
- Building Permit Checklist
- Color Samples and Building Materials
- Energy Code Sheet/Envelope Summary (WSEC Compliance Forms)
- Final Landscape Plan
- SEPA Environmental Checklist
- Structural Calculations
- Structural Plan