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Residents and staff chat on a Neighborhood Walk in 2018.

Neighborhood Outreach staff will provide your neighborhood with event flyers or A-board signage. Let's get started!!  The Block Party Planning Form (see below) will help you get started in planning your Neighbor Link event. When you click on submit, you will receive a copy of your information and we can get started on your request.

If you are planning on closing your street, you will need to apply for a TE Street Use Permit through the MyBuilding Permit website. 


Party Planning Form

Contact Person

Alternate Contact

Alternate Contact


Home Owners or Community Association?
Design Requested
Two (4 sides) Sandwich Boards
Request Street Closure?
Please refer to Permitting section on the page above.
Event Location/Street
First Time Holding Event?
Service Project?

Printed Materials

Wording for the Flyer

RSVP Requested?

Wording for the Sandwich Board (3-4 lines max)

*Neighborhood Name/Event Example: Newport Hills Block Party; 100th St SE Street Annual Picnic; Neighborhood Social; Your Name Neighborhood Party; Annual Potluck; Your Name Street Party