The Housing Stability Program invests capital funding into targeted affordable and supportive housing developments in Bellevue that serve the city’s most vulnerable residents and funds services critical for stable living. The city will issue a 2025 request for proposals in late spring. Funding is available from sales tax revenue authorized under RCW 82.14.530 (HB 1590) and approved by the City Council.
In 2024 the city issued an RFP that made up to $10 million available for capital investment and/or for building-related operations, maintenance and services in Bellevue.
City Council direction has established the following priorities for the Housing Stability Program:
- Provide housing for households earning below 30% of the area median income
- Address and prevent homelessness and housing instability
- Focus on underserved, vulnerable residents in Bellevue
Bellevue is a member of A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH), which administers the funding process to invest Bellevue and other cities’ resources for affordable housing across the Eastside. This RFP is designed to complement and leverage existing funding processes, while creating a significant impact on housing needs in Bellevue.
City funding for housing-related human services is detailed separately in Human Services. Information about recently funded projects and more can be found in Funding Affordable Housing.
Anticipated Schedule
June 2025: Application package made available
August 2025: Preapplication conferences should take place no later than August 2025 (see details below)
September 2025: Applications due to ARCH by noon of deadline day
December 2025: Staff recommendation
First Quarter 2025: Recommendation reviewed by the City Council
Preapplication Conferences: Applicants are required to schedule a preapplication conference to identify and discuss potential issues. First-time applicants will benefit from meeting early and often with ARCH. Applicants should be prepared to provide a project description identifying:
- Population(s) to be served
- Approximate number of units
- Unit income and affordability
- Type of construction (rehab or new)
- Neighborhood issues
- Whether relocation or displacement will be required (please see local ordinance and guidance on Bellevue relocation and displacement requirements, City Code Chapter 9.21 Relocation Assistance)
- Team members (developer, architect, property manager, if known)
- Likely funding sources.
Applicants are also welcome to solicit early input from ARCH on site or project concept when considering acquisition of a site or building. Applicants applying for operations, maintenance and services funding should indicate interest in that when scheduling, so preapplication meetings can include Bellevue Human Services staff.
Once the 2025 RFP is published, please contact Patrick Tippy, to schedule a preapplication meeting.
Applicants are also encouraged to review and incorporate the City of Bellevue’s Supportive Housing Community Engagement Best Practice Guide as appropriate.