East Bellevue Community Council Regular Meeting
Virtual Meeting
The East Bellevue Community Council meeting for August 4, 2020 will be conducted
virtually via Zoom Webinar. The public can access the meeting here
https://cityofbellevue.zoom.us/j/96174788668, using Password: 335141 or by connecting
to the Zoom Webinar using Webinar ID: 961 7478 8668 and Password: 335141. For those
members of the public unable to access internet services, a telephone option will be made
available to listen to the proceedings. The phone number to access the meeting is (253)
215-8782, Webinar ID: 961 7478 8668.
There will be no opportunity for oral communications at this meeting. All written
comments received prior to 3 p.m. on August 4, 2020 will be summarized into the record
at the meeting. If you wish to provide written comment to the East Bellevue Community
Council, please email ebcc@bellevuewa.gov with the subject line "Written
Communications - August 4".
Public testimony will only be taken during the public hearing portion of the agenda. To
provide oral testimony at the public hearing you must sign-up by 5:30 p.m. on August 4,
2020. Click here to sign-up to provide oral testimony: