City News
Council Roundup: Briefing on inaccurate lead contamination report
Also, funding capital projects and proclamation recognizing public works staff
On Monday at the City Council's study session, councilmembers were briefed by Utilities Director Nav Otal and Bellevue…
Council Roundup: interim regulations for marijuana retailers
Also, advancing economic development and considering sign code changes
Monday's extended study session was a busy one for the City Council. Councilmembers took action on several items including the…
Ride along with Bellevue Television
It's Bike Everywhere Month in the area and this month's Lake to Lake television show features the return of Bellevue police bike patrol and some helpful bicycle safety tips. Also, see the…
Council Roundup: Briefing on marijuana regulations
Also, Bellevue recognizes 'Older Americans Month' and low-impact development outreach
At Monday's study session, the City Council received a briefing on the status of marijuana regulations affecting…
'A global hub of innovation and dynamism'
"We're at the dawn of a new chapter in our city's growth, a chapter that has Bellevue poised to be a global hub of innovation and dynamism and the economic, educational and cultural center of the…
Council Roundup: Council sets bold agenda with 2-year priorities
The City Council Monday adopted priorities for this year and next that include transportation projects in downtown, BelRed and Wilburton; a plan for developing affordable housing; and a vision for a…
Council Roundup: Briefing on ST3
Also, board and commission reappointments and "Stand against racism" proclamation
At its meeting Monday night, the Bellevue City Council received an update from Sound Transit on the draft ST3 System…
Council Roundup: 'Grand Connection' offers bold new vision
Also, refinements to false alarm reduction program considered
Plans to transform a stretch of Bellevue between the Meydenbauer Bay waterfront and the Eastside Rail Corridor into a "Grand Connection"…
Council Roundup: Hearing loops enhance participation
Also, Environmental Stewardship program is seeing green
The installation of state-of-the art hearing loop systems at key city buildings will enhance public participation by people with hearing…
Council Roundup: In-depth look at 2017-18 budget process
At an extended study session on Monday, the City Council dove deep into the details of the 2017-18 budget process. The briefing, at the city's Public Safety Training Center, covered a number of…