Published September 11 2020
“Creating Home Together” during National Welcoming Week
Cultural Conversations begins its 11th season of storytelling and connection with “Creating Home Together” for National Welcoming Week, Sept. 12-20.
During this historic time of upheaval, the conversation group will share stories and inspiration on how to feel more at home given isolation due to physical distancing, uncertainty coupled with anxiety, and the new norm of communication and connection through virtual methods. How might we strengthen relationships that we value and build inclusive relationships we wish to create? Please join with old and new friends to explore these topics on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1-2:30 p.m.
During this virtual conversations session, small-group, community-co-hosted Zoom breakout rooms will feature themes that include:
- “Creating during COVID”
- “Inspiring-Empowering”
- “Feeling Safe”
- “Including”
- “Creating Neighborhoods”
- “Storytelling”
- “Navigating-Engaging”
- “Bridging Language and Culture”
- “Traveling Together”
Your RSVP is appreciated for this event at or 425-452-6836 and will be confirmed with a Zoom Link providing instructions on how to connect to the event. Link is Meeting ID is 925 4807 9591. Passcode is 150503. If you have problems connecting, call 425-452-6836
Cultural Conversations has transformed relationships and perspectives among diverse women in our community through education and storytelling. For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable accommodation requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-6836 (voice). For complaints regarding accommodations, contact City of Bellevue ADA/Title VI Administrator at 425-452-6168 (voice) or email If you are deaf or hard of hearing dial 711.
The photo is from Welcoming Week 2018.