Published April 18 2024

Exhibit highlights complexity of building modern transit system
To celebrate the opening of light rail on the Eastside this month, the City of Bellevue is displaying art from Sound Transit at City Hall that showcases the building of the agency’s Link lines 1 and 2.
On display on the second floor during business hours through the fall, the art exhibit “Modeling Motion & Link in Process” highlights the complexity of building a modern transit system. City Hall will be open on Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for the opening of the 2 line and community is invited to view the exhibit during the opening activities.
Photographs are displayed alongside models and work samples of artwork built into Sound Transit stations. The artworks on display include:
- Photographs by Peter de Lory, Sound Transit’s photographer-in-residence in 2007, and photographer John Lewis showing the construction of transit tunnels and other key infrastructure elements.
- Prototype of “Dragon and Phoenix,” a cut-metal mural by Louie Gong that spans the eastbound platform wall at the Spring District Station.
- Prototype of “Wandering Line,” a stainless-steel handrail fashioned by Patrick Marold installed at the BelRed Station.
- Prototypes of terrazzo and laminated hand-formed glass by Paul Marioni that flows throughout the Bellevue Downtown Station and explores the theme of water.
- Prototype of "Face of Nations" by Tiffanny Hammonds. Hammond's artwork is the first to be featured in the Bellevue Downtown Station "Cyclorama," a large drum-shaped light box structure developed to display rotating works of two-dimensional art.
- Prototype of acoustic panel artwork by Vicki Scuri displaying leaf forms inspired by the Mercer Slough on display at South Bellevue Station.
- Prototypes of fluid concrete benches by Yuki Nakamura that will be on display in the plaza at Overlake Village Station.
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