Published April 14 2022
The annual sheep shearing event at Kelsey Creek Farm Park resumes this year, tapping into an ancient tradition that originated in Central Asia. The professional shearers taking the park’s stage on April 30 may have electric shears, but the results won’t differ from Uzbekistan in 3,500 B.C. or a typical Bellevue farm in 1925.
Bellevue’s 2022 sheep shearing celebration, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., on Saturday, April 30, will be at Kelsey Creek Park, 410 130th Pl. SE, rain or shine. Activities will include spinning demonstrations, children’s crafts, tractor-pulled wagon rides, pony rides, heritage displays and food.
From wool to fleece to sweater, the sheep shearers will explain the shearing process and share shearing stories.
The event originated in the early 1990s, when ever-increasing crowds gathered at Kelsey Creek Park each spring to watch the sheep being shorn of their winter coats, a traditional farm practice. Each sheep produces from six to 10 pounds of wool each year.
Admission is free. Food is also available for purchase. No cash machine is available on-site. Free parking and shuttle service is available to and from the Wilburton park-and-ride lot, 720 114th Ave. SE.