Published December 20 2023

Online survey available until Dec. 31

With its distinctive curved pier and inviting beach, Meydenbauer Bay Park has been one of Bellevue’s most popular destinations since it opened in 2019. A second phase of park development focused on expanding the park’s connection to downtown is now underway.

Community input is key to the project, and people are invited to respond to an online survey by Dec. 31. People also shared their thoughts at pop-up outreach events at various downtown locations in November and December.

With landscape architect Berger Partnership, the city will develop designs to share with the community in summer 2024, based on feedback collected now. 

While there are seven beach parks in Bellevue, including Meydenbauer, only about 11% of Bellevue’s shoreline is accessible to the public. In park surveys, residents have consistently rated expanding public access to the waterfront among their top three priorities.

The first phase of development added the public pier (near the REI rental facility), expanded the beach at the old Meydenbauer Beach Park eightfold, restored the ravine and established the beginning of a pedestrian promenade. The park has a beach house with restrooms and showers. 

For phase 2, design studies will consider an extension of the pedestrian promenade and marina reconfiguration, as well as parking and shoreline restoration. Access to Lake Washington and integration with Downtown Park and the Grand Connection corridor will also be studied.

This design phase will last about a year and a half. More details about the project and a way to sign up for Alerts updates are available at Meydenbauer Bay Park and Marina Projects and the interactive Project manager Scott VanderHyden ( or 425-452-4169) or Pam Fehrman, park planning and development manager, can also provide immediate information about the project.