Published March 26 2020

With Gov. Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order in effect, the Bellevue police have developed an easy way for residents to report violations. Reports logged into the MyBellevue app will generate a heat map showing where there are potentially illegal gatherings or business activity.

Please, do not call 911 to report these gatherings! 911 is for emergencies only. Officers will not respond to 911 calls about violations of the Stay Home mandate. 

The order does allow people to leave their homes for certain activities, including shopping for groceries, going to medical appointments, picking up or delivering take-out food, going to work at an essential business or going outside for exercise.

Police strongly encourage residents and visitors to follow the governor’s order, to better protect the health and safety of everyone in the community. “The vast majority of people in our community are following the "Stay Home" order and are being safe,” said Chief Steve Mylett. “But we need your help in reporting violations where there may be a large amount of people at risk.” 

How to Report 

You can report these incidents through the MyBellevue app on your electronic device or the MyBellevue portal

  • Log onto the app on your phone or online at MyBellevue.
  • Click on new request.
  • Click Report gatherings.
  • Click issue location and move the pin over the location or add the address manually.
  • Click submit.

As the reports are filed, the app will show officers hot spots throughout the city.
“As officers are available, they will respond to these reports and use this opportunity to educate and instruct people about the state’s “Stay Home” mandate,” explained Maj. Andrew Popochock, who oversees the patrol division. “We are not going to arrest people; we are educating them to stay home.”