Published June 7 2018

A public hearing on the draft Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) for homeless services uses, which include permanent shelters and day centers to serve individuals experiencing homelessness, is set for next Monday, June 11. The City Council meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at City Hall. Residents can also watch live via BTV cable channel 21 or through online streaming.

For the June 11 public hearing, which will focus on the updated draft, the council has asked for feedback on two specific issues: 1) whether background checks and/or warrant searches should be included as part of the security plan for granting access to shelter and 2) whether the code should include buffers or separation requirements from sensitive uses.

Adoption of the draft LUCA could take place as early as June 25. No site selection for a proposed homeless shelter is being made at that time.

The Land Use Code is a permitting tool that governs the location, design and approval process for development in the city. A LUCA will add regulations to the code to determine how and where a homeless shelter can be sited in Bellevue.

The current draft is a direct result of a robust public outreach effort which occurred throughout March and April. The initiative included a citywide online survey, one large workshop at Bellevue City Hall, an optional “listening session” and two “Q&A sessions” at local community centers. The council later discussed the draft LUCA during its April 23, May 7 and 21 meetings.

More background is available in the agenda packet materials.

Also, for the latest updates on the process, visit the city’s LUCA webpage.