Published December 21 2023

Survey open through Jan. 22 for residents, workers and visitors

The City of Bellevue’s Budget Survey, a biennial questionnaire that helps the city develop the 2025-26 budget, is underway. The online survey is open through Jan. 22 for all who live, work and/or play in Bellevue, with questions available in multiple languages. 

Input from community members is critical to understanding the current state of the city and future needs. This survey supplements a random-sample survey the city also conducts. Using multiple survey methods ensures more demographic groups are reached.

In the online open survey, participants can share their opinions on a variety of topics, including:

  • Priority outcomes for the city budget
  • Importance and satisfaction ratings for city services and facilities
  • Overall perception of life in Bellevue 

The survey is available in multiple languages

  • 我們需要您的反饋Bellevue 正在針對 2025-2026 年度預算 流程進行一項重要的問卷調查,希望能聽到您的意見。民調
  • 我们需要您的反馈Bellevue正在就2025-2026预算流程进行一项重要调,希望获取您的反馈。民意调查  
  • 여러분의 의견이 필요합니다Bellevue에서는 2025~2026년 예산과 관련하여 중요한 설문을 진행하고 있으며 여러분의 의견이 필요합니다. 조사  
  • Нам нужно Ваше мнение. Бельвю проводит важный опрос по бюджету на 2025-2026 год. Нам важно знать Ваше мнение. опрос
  • Necesitamos sus opiniones y comentarios. Bellevue está conduciendo una importante encuesta sobre el proceso presupuestario de 2025-2026 y le gustaría conocer sus opiniones. encuesta
  • Chúng tôi cần phản hồi của bạn về những gì Bellevue đang làm một cuộc kiểm tra quan trọng của quá trình ngân sách 2025-2026 và muốn biết ý kiến của bạn. sự khảo sát

Additional information about the city's budget process and survey is available at Budgets

Photo credit: Harley Pan Video Production