Published July 12 2018

During the July 16 meeting the City Council will discuss and possibly take action on a draft citywide Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) for homeless shelters. The Land Use Code is a permitting tool that governs the location, design and approval process for development in the city. A LUCA will add regulations to the code to determine how and where a homeless shelter can be sited in Bellevue.

The vote will not include the selection of a specific site. The council’s regular session will begin at 8 p.m. at City Hall. Residents can also watch live via BTV cable channel 21 or through online streaming.

The draft being considered for adoption is a direct result of a robust public outreach effort which occurred since March. The initiative included a citywide online survey, one large workshop at Bellevue City Hall, an optional “listening session” and two “Q&A sessions” at local community centers. The council discussed the draft LUCA during the April 23, May 7 and 21 meetings, and a public hearing was held on June 11 where 72 community members spoke. Councilmembers later continued discussion, along with consideration of a batch of amendments, at the most recent June 25 and July 2 meetings.

More background is available in the agenda packet materials.

Also, for the latest updates on the process, visit the city’s LUCA webpage.