Published May 25 2017

While we have made a dramatic change with our first website redesign in 10 years, we've been steadily refining the MyBellevue mobile app and customer assistance portal since we launched it in 2013 to ensure it's convenient to use.

System upgrades include:

  • private submission process;
  • streamlined request sequence; and
  • user-friendly service categories.

Questions and requests -- about burnt out streetlights, potholes, traffic concerns, building permit records, graffiti and more -- can all be submitted through the MyBellevue app on your phone or tablet or from the customer assistance portal on this website. More than 4,000 people have downloaded the app so far. Between 250 and 350 service requests are entered monthly, streamlining users' ability to report issues and ask questions of the city.

In response to concerns from users, MyBellevue has been modified so all new requests submitted through the MyBellevue mobile app or the customer assistance portal will be submitted privately and only be visible to you and verified city staff.

Last year, we streamlined the sequence of steps for requesting services, and we tweaked service categories based on usage patterns.