Published May 19 2020
To ensure all Bellevue residents and businesses know where to turn for help during the pandemic, the city has produced a special, “Apart Together” edition of It’s Your City. The eight-page issue, focused on emergency community and business resources, is being delivered to Bellevue’s 67,000 addresses this week. The entire issue is available online in six languages at It's Your City.
The city has been posting timely information on its website and social media throughout the pandemic. IYC, a print newsletter, enables the city to reach residents and businesses who might not have easy access to computers and the internet, including vulnerable populations. An insert, translated into six languages, features a list and map of nonprofit and government resources.
"The Apart Together edition provides essential information to help you weather the challenges great and small this emergency continues to present," City Manager Brad Miyake said. "This It’s Your City is also intended to inspire, with stories about people, businesses and organizations who are making a difference, whose generosity is, quite literally, saving lives."
Highlights of IYC Together Apart include:
- The city’s response, including business tax deferrals, suspension of water shutoffs a proclamation against racism and continued services by field staff, modifying what they do to stem COVID-19 spread
- A message of hope from Mayor Lynne Robinson
- Inspiring stories about neighbors and businesses finding ways to support residents
Published on May 18, the Together Apart edition substitutes the usual June issue of IYC. The next regular issue is scheduled for October.