Published January 9 2020

Update: Jan. 16, 8:15 a.m.
With all primary and arterial routes cleared of snow and ice, city crews were plowing neighborhood streets Thursday morning. There is still some ice in spots throughout the city, so motorists are advised to continue driving with caution. All streets were expected to be clear by noon Thursday.
According to the National Weather Service, there's a 30 percent of snow flurries Thursday evening through early Friday.
Republic Services is making pickups Thursday in Crossroads and Lake Hills, though service was delayed two hours. Any customers missed altogether will be notified directly by the end of the day. Bellevue public schools and Bellevue College were operating on their normal schedules Thursday.
Update: Jan. 15, 7:15 a.m.
Not much new snow, but another cold night in Bellevue, leaving streets still icy and hazardous in places Wednesday morning. Street crews continue to plow and apply de-icer, as needed. Bellevue School District is under normal operations and start times today and Bellevue College will begin their day at 10 a.m.
The National Weather Service continues to expect another storm system with strong winds to hit the area today and tonight. Remember, conditions can change rapidly over short distances. Please allow yourself plenty of extra time while traveling and slow down on snow and ice.
- Bellevue Transportation crews currently have all 14 plows and sanders out.
- Due to the snow yesterday afternoon, crews had to start over again servicing the neighborhoods on the non-priority routes. Around 75% of these routes south of I-90 have been serviced, but are not all the way down to bare pavement yet. North of I-90, around 25% of the non-priority routes have been serviced and are getting to bare and wet pavement.
- Crews are also continuing to place deicer on main city routes.
- Republic Services has cancelled residential garbage pickup today due to the conditions. Affected customers will be able to put out doubles on their next regularly-scheduled pick-up day. Trash that will not fit containers can be placed alongside in labeled bags or boxes.
- There may be weather impacts to various Bellevue parks programs and facilities. For a complete list visit the Parks & Community Services main page.
- The city will also continue to update warming center and shelter information as needed.
For the latest news please check the city's Twitter page.
Cold weather tips you need to be aware of:
- Be prepared: Preparedness information is available at our Emergency Preparedness web page and in the Take Winter by Storm resource website.
- To report a power outage, please call Puget Sound Energy at 1-888-225-5773; you can also report it online and check PSE's outage map.
- Clear sidewalks: While city crews plow and sand streets, we ask that property owners clear the sidewalks next to or in front of their home or business.
- When driving, if the power is out and traffic signals are not working, treat the intersection as a four-way stop.
- To prepare your home to prevent frozen and broken pipes, please see our winterizing tips. If you have a broken pipe emergency, contact us 24/7 at 425-452-7840.
- For garbage pickup info: please note that ice and snow conditions may affect garbage services. Republic Services will publish service updates at We will share all updated info on the city’s communications channels as soon as we have it.
- Essential winter weather tips are available in:
For more emergency information, please check the Extreme Weather Response page. The National Weather Service has the latest forecast updates.