Published March 2 2023

Data from tally valuable for businesses looking to move or grow
The 2022 Economic Census, the federal government’s five-year measure of businesses in the United States and their economic impact, has gone to a representative cross-section of businesses in Bellevue, with online responses due by Wednesday, March 15.
Sent to over 4.2 million businesses, the Economic Census provides the most comprehensive data available at the national, state and local level, representing most industries and geographies. Invitations to respond were sent Jan. 31.
The city’s Cultural and Economic Development division, which provides a variety of programs to assist local businesses, entrepreneurs and job seekers, encourages Eastside businesses who received the survey to respond. Their answers help complete the picture of economic activity here.
In addition, local entrepreneurs can review the resulting economic data to determine where it’s most advantageous to start a business, based on where competitors, potential employees and overhead costs are. Business owners looking to grow or move their companies can also find such information valuable.
Additional information about the Economic Census is available at the Census Bureau, which manages the tally. Businesses with questions for the city can reach out to