Published March 15 2024

Bellevue’s Cross-Cultural Center Without Walls program earned second-place recognition in the National League of Cities 2024 City Cultural Diversity Awards, celebrating leadership in developing effective programs to support cultural diversity within local communities.

The intent of the pilot Cross-Cultural Center Without Walls initiative is to create interactions between people and groups from different racial, ethnic, cultural and other backgrounds.

The city recently requested proposals from community groups interested in partnering to provide cross-cultural events and activities this year. Selected organizations will host cross-cultural events and workshops in locations across Bellevue. The experiences will be designed around active intercultural engagement, learning and exchange. The Cross-Cultural Center Without Walls program is a component of a larger effort to research the feasibility of a physical cross-cultural center in Bellevue in the future.

Submissions for the NLC Diversity Awards were grouped by city population and evaluated for creativity, community impact and program scope. Bellevue took second place in the 50,000-200,000 population category.

“We are honored that the National League of Cities recognized this innovative community-led program,” said Mayor Lynne Robinson. “It is an example of how city government and community can partner to realize a shared vision where everyone feels like they belong.”  

Bellevue was one of four communities to receive second-place recognition, chosen from more than 40 communities across the country that submitted applications.

“Congratulations to the winning municipalities of NLC’s Cultural Diversity Awards,” said NLC President David Sander. “This year's award holds special significance as NLC celebrates 100 years of strengthening cities, towns and villages across the country. Your leadership in promoting inclusivity and diversity as a core value of your city is an essential step toward cultivating more equitable and inclusive communities all over America in the next century.”

Winners were recognized at NLC’s Congressional City Conference in Washington, D.C., held in March.