Published January 22 2021

Plus, appointment to Human Services Commission

On Monday, the City Council was presented with an introduction to the Bellevue Centers Communities of Color initiative. The effort is the result of recent budget approval for one-time funding of $150,000 toward a community-led initiative for racial equity and building trust and awareness across the city’s diverse population.    

The three-year proposal includes three stages:

  1. Develop trust through dialogue. Staff will work to create a series of community discussions on equity issues during year one. 
  2. Build racial literacy skills through education and training. The city will explore and initiate a variety of opportunities to educate community members on racial equity issues. This includes potential partnerships with local businesses, non-profits and government organizations. 
  3. Co-create recommendations for action. Working with the coordinating team, staff, leadership and other stakeholders, explore effective recommendations to update and advance Bellevue’s Diversity Advantage Initiative Plan. 

Among the first steps to implement the initiative is establishing a Communities of Color Coordinating Team made up of diverse community members who would work in close partnership with the city. As proposed, the team will be selected by the city manager and the City of Bellevue will provide resources for technical assistance, facilitation and developing recommendations over the next three years.

Councilmembers voted 6-0 (Councilmember Jennifer Robertson excused absence) in favor of moving forward with the initiative’s recommended implementation plan. Further details on the initiative are available in the meeting materials.  

Appointment to Human Services Commission

In other business, the council approved an appointment to the city’s Human Services Commission. The council appoints residents to boards, commissions and committees that provide detailed study and recommendations on important policy matters.

Shari McClure will serve a partial term on the Human Services Commission expiring May 31, 2021. 

More information on the selection is available in the meeting agenda item and general information is available on the city’s Boards and Commissions web page.