Published November 8 2018

On Monday night during the study session, councilmembers agreed to further evaluate the possibility of converting the city’s interim winter shelter for men at Lincoln Center on 116th Avenue Northeast into a year-round facility. The council approved the expenditure of up to $135,000 for additional testing, abatement analysis and contracting for design services.

The proposal for converting Lincoln Center to a year-round shelter was raised in July in the wake of the council’s adoption of a Land Use Code Amendment governing shelter uses. Lincoln Center began hosting the men’s winter shelter during the 2015-2016 season. Although it received minor upgrades last year, significant changes would be required, including fire protection, for it to become a year-round site for up to 100 men.

Councilmembers are expected to review the information and cost estimates from the feasibility study early next year.

The full discussion is available to view online via BTV streaming. Additional information can be found in the agenda packet materials.

Preliminary human services budget introduced

Earlier, the council discussed recommendations from the Human Services Commission regarding organizations and programs to be funded through the 2019-2020 Human Services Fund and 2019 Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The commission reviewed 100 Human Services Fund applications and five block grant applications over seven meetings to draft their funding recommendations.

The requests for the Human Services Fund totaled over $5.6 million, $2 million more than the $3.65 million available in the budget. Of the 100 applications received, 26 were for new, unfunded programs. Five of these new programs are recommended for funding in 2019-2020.

A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for Nov. 19. Community members interested in providing feedback to the council regarding the budget may sign up to speak during that evening’s regular session or submit comments in writing to the Finance Department at Feedback is also welcome at other meetings during oral communications.

Adoption of human services funding will take place as part of the adoption of the city’s budget in December.

More information is available in the agenda packet materials  .

Recognizing retiring state representatives Clibborn and McBride

During the regular session, the council took a few minutes to recognize Representative Judy Clibborn and Representative Joan McBride for their service in the state Legislature prior to their retirement at the end of the year. Councilmembers noted that the work of both officials has benefited Bellevue and the greater Eastside.

Representative McBride has represented the 48th Legislative District since 2015. She continually championed local interests and was a strong advocate for policy bills addressing homelessness and new revenue tools for cities to provide more affordable housing. In one instance, she secured $1.4 million for shelter facilities for the city.

Representing the 48th District since 2003, Clibborn rose to become chair of the House Transportation Committee. Under her leadership the Legislature approved three statewide transportation packages that funded an array of much-needed transportation projects across the state. Her advocacy on transportation brought approximately $5 billion to the region to improve mobility on major roadways, including Interstate 405, State Route 520 and Interstate 90.