Published April 27 2016
The City Council Monday adopted priorities for this year and next that include transportation projects in downtown, BelRed and Wilburton; a plan for developing affordable housing; and a vision for a "Grand Connection" between the Meydenbauer Bay waterfront and the Eastside Rail Corridor.
"Very good," Mayor John Stokes said immediately following the council's unanimous vote to adopt. "Now we just have to make (the priorities) work and get them done."
In early 2014, the council adopted a 20-year vision for Bellevue that featured seven strategic target areas as well as 25 two-year priorities for 2014 and 2015. Many of those priorities were accomplished.
The council is keeping the target areas identified in 2014 but sought to adopt new priorities for 2016 and 2017. Those priorities, developed by the council at a Jan. 25 retreat and revised on March 14, support the council's target areas. Highlights include:
Economic Development: Continue implementing the city's economic development plan and create a regional strategy for attracting global talent and employers to the region.
Transportation and Mobility: In addition to the capital projects where the city's growth is expected to be concentrated, the city will advocate for state projects on Interstate 405 and State Route 520 and implement plans to mitigate of East Link construction impacts.
High-quality Built and Natural Environment: Create an affordable housing strategic action plan by 2016 for implementation in 2017. Construct the first phase of Meydenbauer Bay Park and complete the Downtown Park circle and gateway by the end of 2018.
Achieving Human Potential: Build on higher education opportunities in Bellevue by leveraging the new Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), set to open in BelRed. Support Bellevue College in its efforts to establish more baccalaureate degrees and student housing. Also, continue implementing the city's "Diversity Advantage" plan and bring forward a concept for a multicultural center.
The council's two-year priorities help guide work plans for the city's departments, and will be factored into the city's 2017-18 budget.