Published November 23 2016

Staff briefed the City Council Monday on details of the city's proposed 2017-18 Operating Budget and 2017-23 Capital Investment Program plan. The discussion involved a number of items including council and community requests for funding. Staff will seek final direction on the variety of proposals next week.


The 12 additional budget requests range from seed money for the Grand Connection to restoring year-round restrooms for five parks to more funding for a multicultural effort. Several options are available to fund each item. These options include reducing expenditures, funding through the use of contingency or reserves, deferring the decision until a later date or exploring other means as per council direction.

Later, at the regular session, councilmembers received feedback from the community on a number of proposals during the city's third and final public hearing on the budget. Previous hearings were on June 6 and July 18.

Monday's meeting marks the fifth budget discussion since City Manager Brad Miyake presented the preliminary budget to the council on Oct. 17. More information, including full budget details, can be found on the Finance Department budget page.