Published April 12 2024

At a special meeting April 8 the City Council conducted a budget workshop and received details on the city’s budget approach for development of the 2025-2026 budget.

Councilmembers reviewed the city’s financial system, budget process and revenue profile. They also reviewed  financial strategy guiding principles of transparency, stewardship, using best practices and standardization, a responsible and balanced risk profile, and being nimble for addition to the financial system. Further discussion focused on principles related to strategic use of debt, guidance about how the City prioritizes and invests its tax and other resources, and potential changes in comprehensive financial policies in alignment with the guiding principles.

Input from the workshop will be reflected in the preliminary budget recommendations being developed for the 2025-2026 Budget, which will include two public hearings, the first in June or July of this year. Council will also have continued public discussions and presentations on the various 2025-2026 Budget elements and procedures between now and expected budget adoption in November.

More information is in the meeting agenda materials and minutes for the meeting will be available later this month.

NOTE: The next council meeting will be Tuesday, April 16, 6 p.m. in the City Hall council chamber. Going forward, Bellevue’s council meetings will be on Tuesday evenings.