Published January 16 2024

People can weigh in online and at Jan. 20 open house

After nearly two years of technical analysis, community engagement and direction from the Planning Commission and City Council, the city is releasing draft policy changes being considered for an update of the Comprehensive Plan.

Proposed changes for Bellevue 2044, which will guide how the city develops over the next 20 years, address key issues facing Bellevue today, including affordable housing, sustainability and equity. They include changes to the future land use map that will help the city achieve targeted growth in housing units and jobs.

Community members are invited to review policy moves and provide feedback online by Friday, Feb. 16, at

People are also invited to the Bellevue 2044 Policy Open House on Saturday, Jan. 20, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., at Jing Mei Elementary School, 12300 Main St. At this event, people can review draft policy moves, speak to city planners and provide in-person feedback. Registration is encouraged.

Community input will be shared with the Planning Commission and other boards and commissions as they review proposed changes and make their recommendations for the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan, which will be released in the spring. 

A public hearing for the plan will be in early summer. The City Council will adopt the Comprehensive Plan in the fall.