Published October 10 2016
The public is invited to comment on Bellevue Utilities' proposed 2017-2018 budget and rates at 6:30 p.m., Oct. 20, in conference room 1E-113 at City Hall, 450 110th Ave. NE.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend the meeting and to provide written and/or oral comments. Address written comments in advance of the meeting to: Environmental Services Commission, c/o Bellevue Utilities Department, PO Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009-9012.
The public hearing is being held by the Environmental Services Commission, a citizen advisory board appointed by the City Council. The commission advises the council on water, wastewater, storm and surface water, and garbage programs in the following areas: planning, budget and rates, CIP financing, contracts and policies. The commission is comprised of seven persons who reside in the city or in the city's service area for either the water or sewer system.
For additional information on the public hearing, contact Lucy Liu at 425-452-4445 or