Published June 4 2018

The City of Bellevue will hold the first of three public hearings on the 2019-2020 Budget and 2019-2025 Capital Investment Program Plan on Monday, June 4. The hearing will take place during the City Council’s regular session meeting which begins at 8 p.m. Residents can also watch the meeting live via Bellevue Television cable channel 21 and online streaming.

Bellevue’s budget is produced every two years and includes a seven-year capital budget. It serves as a major policy document and describes how the city intends to finance its services and infrastructure. As part of the process, Bellevue uses a “budgeting for outcomes” (also known as “priorities of government”) process called "Budget One" to develop the budget. This model puts the emphasis on community expectations for government services, as opposed to individual departments within the organization.

Moving forward, there will be a number of opportunities for residents to provide feedback. The council will hold two more hearings in July and November. Residents can also provide input during oral communications at any future council meeting.

The city manager will present a proposed budget to the council in October. Councilmembers will then review and approve the general and capital projects budgets sometime before the end of the year.

More background is available in the council's agenda packet materials.