Published January 15 2013


Jan. 29 event invites public's thinking about the future

Ever think about what Bellevue will be like in the future? Will cars drive themselves on Lake Hills Boulevard or will your home's lights be controlled by the Internet?

Think about how much has changed in the past 30 years. Bellevue has gone from a sleepy bedroom community to a diverse regional center of commerce with global connections.

The next 30 years are sure to bring more dramatic changes. What will our neighborhoods look like? How will we get around? Where will we play, shop, and work? Will it still be a city you want to live in -- and leave to your children?

Bellevue city planners want to hear your hopes, concerns and visions about the future as they begin to update the Comprehensive Plan, the city's vision for the future. Come to the upcoming "scoping" meeting, one of the first steps in the process to define what the update should address.

What: Forming our Future, a meeting about the city's Comprehensive Plan update.
When: 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29
Where: Crossroads Community Center, 16000 NE 10th St.

The Comprehensive Plan will look to what Bellevue will be like in 2030, 2040 and beyond. It helps the city plan for places to live, learn and play, for jobs and a strong local economy, and for creating and preserving a healthy environment.

Your participation is vital to provide thoughts on what issues should be the focus of the update, to help guide and shape the plan, and to ensure that the plan continues to embrace the community's vision.

So jump in your driverless car, on a bus or just walk on over Jan. 29 to Crossroads Community Center to participate in Forming our Future.