Published October 27 2023

While most voters in King County will cast their ballots by mail in the upcoming Nov. 7 General Election, vote centers – including one at Bellevue City Hall – are available for voters who need assistance. Each center has voting machines that offer audio or large-print ballots and other assistive devices.
The Bellevue vote center was moved from Bellevue College, where it had been in recent years. City Hall, an accessible building with accessible parking, is located at 450 110th Ave. NE, near the Bellevue Transit Center. Details, including maps, are available at the county’s Vote Centers page.
Information about vote centers and other details about the election are also available in multiple languages.
- Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de King
- 金郡選舉部
- Департамент выборов округа Кинг
- 킹카운티 선거
- Sở Bầu cử Quận King
Six vote centers are available in all, including ones at Federal Way, Kenmore, Renton, Kent and the Lumen Field Event Center in Seattle.
All the vote centers will be open Saturday, Nov. 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., along with Monday, Nov. 6, and Tuesday, Nov. 7 (Election Day), 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Voters with disabilities can mark their choices on the ballot online. Online ballot marking has been designed to enable voters with visual impairments to cast a private ballot. Elections staff will be at the vote centers to help with whatever voting method the voter chooses.
In addition, Bellevue has three ballot boxes available 24/7 until 8 p.m. on election night. Bellevue’s ballot drop boxes are located at the Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave. NE; Crossroads Shopping Center, 15600 NE Eighth St.; and Newport Way Library, 14250 SE Newport Way. A full list of ballot box locations in King County is available on the county’s ballot drop box page.