Published November 10 2022

For the third time in five years, Bellevue has taken first place in the Digital Cities Survey, announced Thursday by the Center for Digital Government. The annual survey recognizes cities using technology to enhance services. 

Bellevue, which was tops in 2018 and 2020, was again awarded first place this year among cities with a population between 125,000-249,999, for innovations that improve digital access for residents. The city took third the other years.

“To be recognized as the very best at technological innovation over multiple years is a remarkable achievement for the City of Bellevue,” City Manager Brad Miyake said. “I’m incredibly proud of our city staff for consistently innovating and leveraging technology to deliver high-quality services to our diverse community.”

Key breakthroughs in 2022 included:

  • leveraging video from traffic cameras around Bellevue to track near-crashes between people driving, walking and bicycling, which helps the city determine where safety improvements would be most helpful 
  • adding free public Wi-Fi to affordable housing properties and upgrading Wi-Fi access at parks and other city facilities
  • supporting integration of smart water meter data for Bellevue Utilities
  • launching additions to the city's data portal, including data tracking progress on City Council priorities and police data, to add transparency and facilitate data-driven decision-making 

“Bellevue is incredibly honored to place first this year,” said Sabra Schneider, chief information officer. “The Information Technology Department partners with the public and other departments across the city to advance technology that is accessible, innovative and helps deliver transparent services to the community we serve.”

All U.S. cities are invited to take part in the annual Digital Cities Survey. The Center for Digital Government is a national research and advisory institute focused on technology policy and best practices in state and local government. More information on the winning cities is available on the Government Technology website.

City Councilmember Janice Zahn will accept Bellevue’s award at a Nov. 17 reception in Kansas City, Missouri.