Published November 22 2024

Bellevue Mayor Lynne Robinson proclaimed a local emergency on Nov. 21 after major winds damaged many areas throughout the city Nov. 19-20 and resulted in widespread, extended power outages and extensive damage including fallen trees and dangerous debris.
City of Bellevue crews are working 24 hours a day to ensure critical infrastructure and systems are functioning as well as possible to support the essential needs of the community during this time.
“The magnitude of this week’s storm was historic and has required resources beyond our typical city weather response,” said Mayor Lynne Robinson. “Our incredible crews are out there doing their best to return essential city services to full function as quickly as possible, and we support them.”
The mayor is authorized to proclaim the existence of a civil emergency in the city whenever a situation requires extraordinary measures to protect the safety of people and property in the city.
The emergency declaration allows the city to use emergency powers to aid the response to the storm, which may include additional supplies, equipment and services to support the city’s ongoing work to clear roads, support community members and ensure equipment and infrastructure are working properly. It could also allow the city to quickly contract with service providers to access needed assistance in storm recovery.
The city continues to post regular updates on its social media channels and on the city website as crews respond to the aftermath of the storm and restore essential city functions.