Published August 8 2017

The National Association of Fleet Administrators ranks the City of Bellevue’s fleet operations #2 among the 100 Best Fleets in North America for its high performance maintaining millions of dollars worth of vehicles and equipment.

Fleet and Communications, a division of the city's Civic Services Department, has participated in the 100 Best Fleets program for the past seven years. Bellevue has steadily climbed in the rankings, from #43 four years ago to #7 last year.

Maintaining a police cruiser

The 100 Best Fleets program recognizes peak performing fleet operations across North America. Each are evaluated by a panel of industry experts who base their assessments on competitive pricing, resource stewardship, turnaround times, maintenance quality, technology implementation, accountability, staff development, creativity, collaboration and organizational culture.

While five other fleets in Washington were ranked among the 100 best, the closest to Bellevue in that group was the Bonneville Power Administration, at #55.

The city has millions of dollars invested in the vehicles and equipment used by frontline
operating departments including Police, Fire, Transportation, Utilities, Development
Services and Parks & Community Services. Fleet acquires and maintains vehicles and equipment.