Published July 11 2024

Bellevue Essentials, the civic engagement class that will open your eyes to the who, what and why of city government and the avenues to get involved, will have sessions this fall, with sessions Wednesday evenings, Sept. 11 to Nov. 20. Applications — due by 5 p.m., Sunday, July 21 — are available at Bellevue Essentials.
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Participants in Bellevue Essentials will experience the daily structure and operations of city government through immersive and interactive learning (video introduction). They will see the work, challenges and collaboration between staff and community that make Bellevue a great place to live, work and play. Class members finish the course knowing how to impact decision making in the city, with an expanded personal network and greater awareness of volunteer opportunities.
Classes are 5:30-8:30 p.m., on Wednesdays, in addition to two Saturday sessions, during which participants explore neighborhoods and parks. Participants meet City Council members and staff leadership, as well as city staff who do the daily work of running Bellevue. Participants must attend 10 of the 12 sessions to graduate.
Over 370 people have graduated from Bellevue Essentials since 2013, and many are making an impact on Bellevue now through service on city boards and commissions, committees and neighborhood associations.
Tuition is $200 and fee waivers are available to those with financial need.
A cohort of 35 participants will be selected who are demographically representative of Bellevue’s diverse community and are committed to the future of Bellevue and to serving their community.
For alternate formats, interpreters or reasonable accommodations, please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-7855 or email For complaints regarding accommodations, contact Bellevue’s ADA/Title VI administrator at 425-452-6168. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, dial 711.