Published June 4 2020
Bellevue Essentials, the city’s program for emerging neighborhood and community leaders, is seeking applicants for its 2020 class. Information meetings will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 6-7 p.m. and Wednesday, June 10, noon-1 p.m. Both one-hour orientations will be held via ZOOM and require an RSVP to receive the link.
The nine-week introduction to civic engagement in Bellevue begins on Wednesday evening, Sept. 30 and continues for nine weeks. Class size is limited to 35 participants and traditionally has a waiting list. The application deadline is Aug. 3.
Participants will learn the nuts and bolts of how city government works from key city staff, elected officials and community leaders. Class topics include history, demographics, diversity, public process, neighborhoods, parks and community services, utilities, planning and development services, budget, transportation, economic development and public safety. This year’s curriculum is being designed to adapt to a virtual learning environment in combination with small group activities as COVID-19 restrictions allow.
This class is for people who are curious about civic engagement and local government and are committed to the future of Bellevue and serving their community. No experience is needed to apply and class members have ranged in age from 17 to 70-plus. Classes are open to anyone who lives or works in Bellevue, but preference is given to residents. Class tuition is $125 and financial assistance is available.
Attendance at the information meeting is recommended, or you can request a brochure and a simple one-page application from Neighborhood Services. To RSVP for the meeting or get an application, reach out to Julie Ellenhorn (425-452-5372 or Visit Bellevue Essentials for more details.