East Bellevue Community Council resolutions 600 to 699.

Resolution Adoption Summary
600 02/01/2022 Approving City Council Ordinance No. 6626 to amend Land Use Code (LUC) Chapter 20.10 Land Use Districts, Chapter 20.20 General Development Requirements, Chapter 20.25 Special and Overlay Districts, and Chapter 20.50 Definitions to establish a density bonus and additional modifications to other standards and requirements for affordable housing developments on certain public, non-profit, or religious organization-owned properties; repealing Section 20.20.128 LUC in its entirety and adopting a new LUC 20.20.128; amending definitions in LUC 20.50.010 for consistency and clarity; providing for severability, and establishing an effective date.
601 02/01/2022 Approving City Council Ordinance No. 6632 adopting the Comprehensive Transportation Project List (CTPL) Comprehensive Plan Amendment (21-107724 AC), which repeals the CTPL from Volume 2 of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and Chapter 35A.63 RCW; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.
602 02/01/2022 Approving City Council Ordinance No. 6633 adopting the Transportation Element Comprehensive Plan Amendment (21-107724 AC), which will amend the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and Chapter 35A.63 RCW to incorporate policies and narrative that support a multimodal approach to transportation concurrency; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.
603 03/01/2022 Approving City Council Ordinance No. 6648 approving with a condition rezone application Permit File No. 21-104464-LQ; rezone of a 3.35-acre portion of the Glendale Country Club located at 13440 Main Street from R-1 (Single-Family Residential) to R-10 (Multi-Family Residential).
604 03/01/2022 Approving City Council Ordinance No. 6643 to amend Land Use Code (LUC) Chapter 20.10 Land Use Districts, Chapter 20.20 General Development Requirements, Chapter 20.25 Special and Overlay Districts, Chapter 20.30 Permits and Decisions, and Chapter 20.50 Definitions for general clean-ups to improve clarity and internal consistency, and correct inaccurate or outdated citations; providing for severability; and establishing an effective date.
605 05/03/2022 Urging the Bellevue City Council to adopt ordinances to enhance the tree canopy of Bellevue starting with a Landmark Tree Ordinance.