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Image of pedestrians walking in a downtown crosswalk

The Bicycle Rapid Implementation Program uses low-cost materials to quickly install projects that help complete Bellevue's bicycle network, making streets more comfortable for people bicycling and safer for everyone. Most projects implemented by this program receive funding support from the Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy.

Improvements include installing new bike lanes or upgrading existing ones, adding pavement markings to increase route and rider visibility and traffic signal modifications to prevent turning conflicts. The Downtown Demonstration Bikeway on 108th Avenue was the first in the city to install curbs, posts and planter boxes to provide physical separation between bicyclists and motor vehicle traffic.

image of person bicycling in downtown on 108th Avenue Northeast

The Bicycle Rapid Implementation Program Report (2016) identifies 52 candidate projects. Others will be considered as needs and opportunities are identified. You can download the Full Report (235 MB) or sections of the report: