A synthetic-turf sports field has been installed at Newport Hills Park, replacing a grass field that has been unavailable during the wet months, from December to June. Installing synthetic turf, which can be used year-round, has been a high-priority park project for many years and is identified in the 2003 Parks & Open Space System Plan.
Newport Hills is also one of two synthetic sports field projects included in the 2008 parks levy approved by Bellevue voters. The project will satisfy an identified need for more high-quality soccer fields, is located in an area especially lacking in quality fields, makes use of existing lighting to maximize program capacity and is located in a park with existing infrastructure such as parking and restroom facilities.
Levy Project Improvements
Parks levy project improvements included converting the existing grass soccer field to synthetic turf and upgrading to a state-of-the-art lighting system. The new lighting system will improve the lighting quality for the teams and reduce spill light and glare for the neighbors. Other improvements will include a pedestrian walkway connection along the east edge of the park, new ballfield fencing and backstop, restroom upgrades, relocation of the baseball infield to the east side of the park to help with traffic and pedestrian flow, and a baseball infield conversion to synthetic turf.The fields were opened for public use with a Grand Opening ceremony on June 11, 2011.