The Transportation Department reviews development applications to manage impacts to streets and rights of way during and after construction.
Street Frontage Improvements
Development Review staff work with you and your design consultant on the access and street frontage features of your development application. Elements can include access design, curb placement, landscaping, sidewalk location and width, street lighting, and paving requirements.
Staff will also look at your parking design because it affects traffic entering and exiting your site.
Traffic Impacts
Development Review is responsible for reviewing the traffic impacts of your proposed development, including those:
- In the immediate vicinity: traffic volumes and turning movements at the access point and their effect on street operations.
- In the greater street system: Large retail and office proposals may have significant impacts on streets in the general area. City codes and state environmental law apply. Learn more about Traffic Impact Analysis.
Access design
Depending on the city’s design standards for your type of project, the access to your development could be a commercial driveway, a private road, a joint-use driveway on an easement or some other variation. Review of your access design includes distance from neighboring access points, sight distance for both drivers and pedestrians, width of the driveway, lane configurations such as turn lanes and drop-off lanes, and construction elements such as design of the driveway apron and grades.
Use of the street and right of way during construction
Development Review staff will let you know early in the review process what you can expect for right of way use requirements. All paved streets in Bellevue are classified as to pavement status, and this classification will determine your ability to cut into the street fronting your site for utility work and the extent of subsequent restoration requirements.
In addition, you may be required to obtain a right of way use permit for hauling during construction and for any requested street closures. The Right of Way staff processes right of way use permit applications and will work with you to determine haul routes and lane closure details.
Additional Information
- The Transportation Design Manual contains design standards and drawing details.
- Transportation Development Code, BCC 14.60
- Right of Way Use Code, BCC 14.30