The state Growth Management Act requires that infrastructure keep pace with land use and growth. In Fall 2022, Bellevue adopted the Multimodal Concurrency Code (City Code 14.10) to be in compliance with the Growth Management Act. The new concurrency system is based on system completeness and considers all travel modes. It uses Mobility Units (MUs) to determine if the supply of transportation system improvements is sufficient to meet the demand of MUs from development projects. The code and its associated Implementation Guide detail the specifics of Bellevue's Concurrency Plan.
When is concurrency required?
A concurrency determination is required for all development projects that could create additional demand and need for transportation system improvements. This includes new construction, expansion, or a change in use for which a permit or approval is required. For more information about the new Multimodal Concurrency Code and application form, implementation of the code regarding development, and additional related requirements for land use submittals, refer to the Transportation Code webpage.
The Concurrency Application is available on our website.